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© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,

Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary - 20/07/02

table of content | ---26/07/02---

Actual I wanted to create these sites in Down Under, but now really unexpected there was an event (honestly ;- ), so I decided to start while I am still in good old Germany. So now a first impression how it is supposed to go on.

An unexpected Party

On July 20 there was a farewell party planned for Steffi and me. We didn´t talk much about it so I thought it would be a nice and comfi evening with the people of Netclients/Kasiske. I had to work and arrived late at Steffi´s place at about 11 pm. From the outside there could be heard good party atmosphere, but when Jan opened the door I couldn´t believe it. In the kitchen there were lots of old schoolmates. I was really surprised...
Steff & Co. really managed to invite lots of friends and I didn´t noticed anything.
A really nice surprise which impressed me all night.

Das Thema der Party

Viele Leute

ein paar weniger

Kasiske-Crew im Wohnzimmer


Georg und Sebastian, with violet lightning strike

Dann bekam ich noch ein NetClients Australia Survial Package mit vielen wichtigen Sachen Geschenkt:

Das Survival-Pack

Beim Auspacken

DAS Survival-Tool

weitere schöne Bilder:

Mixing locu

Bozkov '01 Hol(y|i)day schauen

Christoph und Matze

Dancing StofF

Die Couch


Crazy People - StofF, Pit, Steff


table of content | ---26/07/02---