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Some books I read - most of them unfortunately in German, but if you are really desperate...
One for the roadAn outback adventure
A really interesting travel report by an american journalist who hitched around Australia in 1986.
On his journey he meets lots of different people with different cultures, a good insight into austrlian live and culture.
Tony Horwitz, 1987, Harper & Row, Australasia
Australien - ReiseführerReally detailed travel guide - just in German
Information about nearly every place, accomodation ranging from luxury Hotel to little Backpacker Hostels, travel routes.
- probably the German Lonely Planet.
Steffen Albrecht, 1994, Iwanowski GmbH, Dormagen
ISBN 3-923975-38-4
Down UnderInteresting stories
Bill Bryson is using his travel reports to give you a big variety of background informations.
Nevertheless this novel is not just a travel guide, but a mixture of travel report, autobiography and
satire. Thus when reading you start to grin quite often.
Bill Bryson, 2000, Black Swan, originally published by Doubleday, London
ISBN 0-552-99703-X
AustraliaPolyglott APA Guide
1998 APA Publications & Co. Sinapore Branch, Singapore
ISBN 3-8268-1907-1
The songlinesnovel, a classic
In this novel Bruce Chatwin is drawing a phantastic journey into ancient australian myths, enriched with
portrays of bizzare characters and landscapes.
Bruce Chatwin, 1987, Jonathan Cape, London
AustralienAnders Reisen - travel different - just in German
This book is not just a travel guide. It is enriched with lots of essays, which give you different views -
take a look behind the scenes.
Dirk Wegner, 1990, Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg
ISBN 3-499-19096-6