picture poll
german version

© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,

Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary


--- July --- | table of content | --- September ---

   --- 01/08/02 - the first day ---
   --- 02/08/02 - informing taxing banking ... ---
   --- 03/08/02 - wta and partying... ---
   --- 04/08/02 - a half day ---
   --- 05/08/02 - sightseeing and job search ---
   --- 06/08/02 - first money and making plans ---
   --- 07/08/02 - everyday life ---
   --- 08/08/02 - nothing unusual ---
   --- 09/08/02 - the royal botanical gardens ---
   --- 10/08/02 - saturday @ olympic park ---
   --- 11/08/02 - coogee to bondi ---
   --- 13/08/02 - goodbye sydney ---
   --- 14/08/02 - sydney to cairns ---
   --- 15/08/02 - to the beach ---
   --- 16/08/02 - living ---
   --- 18/08/02 - rainforest ---
   --- 19/08/02 - innisfail ---
   --- 20/08/02 - another day off ---
   --- 21/08/02 - bananas, you know ---
   --- 22/08/02 - working ---
   --- 23/08/02 - just half day ---
   --- 24/08/02 - weekend ---
   --- 25/08/02 - etty bay ---
   --- 26/08/02 - working b-day ---
   --- 27/08/02 - neverending humping... ---
   --- 30/08/02 - drunken irish and english codge lodge members ---

--- July --- | table of content | --- September ---