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Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary - 05/08/02

---04/08/02--- | table of content | ---06/08/02---

sightseeing and job search

Alright, let's go, on the one hand we finally wanted to see Sydney by day and on the other hand we had to start looking for jobs. We started early (it takes nearly 20 minutes to walk to the city from Glebe), quickly visited the council hq and then into the Hydepark. On the way we met a few people handing out ads. Of course (looking for an easy short term job) we had chat with them. After that we had infos and a job for one of us. Then after visiting the Hydepark, we went to the royal botanical gardens. There we wanted to go to Mrs Macquarie's Point to take a picture of the opera and the harbour bridge - a nice view. Then we walked around the royal botanical gardens and Farm Cove to the opera. Standing in front of it, it really is a huge building. Then we walked to Circular Quay and seperated to ask for jobs in a few other shops - finally with sucess. Then we had to head back to Glebe, because we had an interview with a promotion company at three o'clock. In between we met again with the others and everybody had a job. Katha and Katja at on shop handing out ads and Marcella and me at another. We had to hurry up now and realized again that Sydney is a little bit hilly.
The interview was a good fun and we still did not really had a clue what the job is about after the interview. On the other hand they explained really good, what promotion prospects we will have within three month ;-). After that we went shopping and the home. At WTA we had Piiiiiiietza-Party tonight. This meant two big stacks of pizzas in the courtyard and everybody could just take what he wants. I think this was the only time all people of the Triple2Lodge met each other - nice atmosphere.


opera & harbour bridge

the rocks & opera

katja, marcella & city

skyline by day

opera & harbour bridge

look from mrs macquaries chair


the rocks

sydney cove with "toaster" on the left

triple2 no.3

backpackers bed


---04/08/02--- | table of content | ---06/08/02---