© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,
Build on 11/05/2002, last update on
23/04/2023. |
Down in Down Under - Diary - 22/08/02
---21/08/02--- | table of content | ---23/08/02---
Today we just picked bananas until smoko. Afterwards we stopped for this week (I was quite glad) and
went to another part of the farm to do deleafing. This is a kind of tree maintenance, where the lower
and bad leaves of a tree are cut. This job is far more easier than humping. Shawn said that you are
kind of swapped around and do different jobs - not as on bigger farms, where you are just doing
the same job all the time. Concerning this I can describe myself as pretty lucky to work here on
Bernie Devany's farm. My work mates are pretty nice as well and I learn a lot. As most of the people
are saying: Once you have something to do with locals, you get a much better insight into the country
and the culture. Henry, the foreman, personifies the typical "don't worry-aussie" mentality.
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