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Down in Down Under - Diary - 01/09/02

---30/08/02--- | table of content | ---03/09/02---

josephine falls

Today we spontaneously we went to Joesphine Falls. These are situated ca. 20km north of Innisfail. After walking a few hundred metres you reach the bottom pool. This distance for some people is already a little bit to far (yeah, down here there are to many lazy people as well who just want to jump out of the car to visit worth seeing things). This way is really good developed, but the rainforest to the right and left is still in good condition and you can find lots of interesting plants in the brightest sunlight (we are pretty lucky with the weather, during the week it rains and on the weekends nearly always the sun is shining). Arriving at the pool you first have to climb over a few rocks before you can jump into the nice and cool refreshing water. On the opposite side there is a big slowly rising rock. If you manage it to get out there, which is not to easy because of the rise, you can enjoy the natural water slide. Even if it is somehow dangerous we had a lot of fun.
Afterwards we went to the upper pool. Up here you find indescribable amazing nature. The falls are not so huge, I have seen bigger once, but they stretch along a certain distance along the Josephine Creek. After we met a few more people from Codge Lodge on the way back, we jumped into the pool back "home". After a few chair-diving-activities, Donovan had the idea to test the boat which was standing next to the pool. We did it and it was a really nice action.
In the evening, when we were just eating, we had a power shortage, which finally was lasting for nearly one hour. George, the manager, just said: "Third World country." With this you just realize how dependend you are on energy out of the wall today.
Finally we watched the Simpsons on telly. Here we have Simpsonsweekend every weekend and this way I should have seen nearly all sequels at the end;-)

josephine falls, lower pool, sliding into the water

lower pool

near lower pool

upper pool

upper pool

upper fall

a part of the codge lodge


upper pool

on the way back

on the way back

codge lodge pool, today with boat

a boat in the pool

tobi, phil & donovan


---30/08/02--- | table of content | ---03/09/02---