© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,
Build on 11/05/2002, last update on
23/04/2023. |
Down in Down Under - Diary - 16/09/02
---15/09/02--- | table of content | ---17/09/02---
fuck yeah
Today I started working at 10.30 am. I found out that ABC took on one more person who
started working at 7 am and did my job (why? I could have worked as well). He did this job for the first
time and I tried to explain how to do this job when there are two people. Reply: Yeah, I know.
But he didn´t do it right. Later less and less trailers were coming in and Derrick, the shed manager,
came and told me that work was finished for this week and I could come back on Monday. Fuck yeah -
it really pisses me off. It is always the same: they tell you it is a permanent job and in the end
you are just used for a few days. You do your best to keep this job and then they tell you:
no more bananas...
Back in Codge Lodge I told George about it and he said: you´re joking. He then organized another job
for tomorrow. We will see what happens.
In the hostel there´s a kind of Canadian Invasion at the moment. There are some jokes made that
there are no Canadians in Canada anymore.
---15/09/02--- | table of content | ---17/09/02---