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© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,

Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary - 26/10/02

---23/10/02--- | table of content | ---02/11/02---

cutting cars

As I have my fun with cars now at the garage (I really can do lots of work there so that I do not have to pay for anything apart from parts) it was quite interesting to watch the destruction of Drews and Richards car this afternoon. They bought it already in a quite bad condition. Then they had an accident and still did not repair anything. During the last days they were pulled over by the police several times and finally were forced to either repair it or take it of the road. As they did not want to spend any money, they used the possibility of the open day at the fire station and asked if they can do them a favour and use it as training material. Finally they even could take part in this exercise.

close all the doors

have some fun

these are the tools

cut off the roof

take it off

taking some last pictures of the new cabriolet

group pic in front of the lodge


---23/10/02--- | table of content | ---02/11/02---