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© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,

Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary - 23/11/02

---10/11/02--- | table of content | ---24/11/02---

oh my god

Oh my god, actually I was supposed to work today - like the last Saturdays as well. But as nobody came around this morning I have a Saturday off. I did not want to go to bed again at 6:30 (why?) and decided to write something into my diary after all. Doing this I realised that I have not written anything since the 10th October (therefore "oh my god"). Well, there is not much happening at the moment. My work is pretty funny, not too strenuous, but slowly I am fed up with it and really count the days until I am out of here. Cutting and humping (check the bunches and if they are good cut them down and drop them on the trailer - then as it is filled up back to the shed - take the bunches off and again out into the paddocks) and for the rest of the week bagging is getting pretty monotonous.
As a contrast to this luckily I have my work in the garage. In the meantime I did more work on the van than originally planned. Now "Dino" (numberplate is 824 DNO - therefore Dino) should be fit for a road trip around Australia. I am working on many cars in the garage besides this of course as well. It is quite astonishing what they repair and change in cars here. In comparison to home the average car here is much older. Doing this I of course learn a lot about cars and as Mr. Fuhrmann (one of my former bosses) always used to say: "It is just a great fun!"
At the caravan park I met some really nice people meanwhile as well. Nicole and Markus from Saxony are in Australia for half a year, of course with Council, and were supposed to fly back on 31st December (so as to start in KL for the turn of the year). Of course they did not want to do that and are currently on a waiting list for a later flight back to Germany. They went up here through the red centre and of course recommended lots of interesting things to me. As they have a van as well Markus and me all the time fiddle about what little improvements we can do. E.g. it is not so easy to install a mozzienet on the windows. Outside it is not good because of the wind during driving and inside you have to keep in mind that you have to open the window somehow. But finally there is always a clever solution.
Yesterday I received a mail from Eric (I just have to write this here as it is funny for all who observe this diary). He wrote that a friend of him, who he met in Brisbane or Byron Bay, got an url from a friend - Toby - with pictures of him and his friends at Codge Lodge, Innisfail, and that she should have a look on them. She had spotted Eric on these pictures as well and of course forwarded the url to him. He finally realised that this is my/this page.
It is pretty great to see how this page goes its rounds.
Later today we found a nice big and fleecy Huntsman. After a lot back and forth I finally managed to get a picture. Finally I was really lucky and even pulled the trigger at the right moment!
Wow, this is quite a lot, possibly I should write more often. But then, you just do not take the time to do things like that (it is the same like back home).

spider and cellphone


---10/11/02--- | table of content | ---24/11/02---