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© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,

Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary - 13/12/02

---12/12/02--- | table of content | ---14/12/02---

diving with ocean pro - little black reef

After a really yummy breakfast at seven and a short briefing we went for our first orientation dive at little black reef at quarter to nine. As usually I had problems to equalise my ears of course. When I finally managed to do this they were even feeling better then on surface. We went for our second dive at quarter past eleven not to get bored on board. This time we went to the eastern part of little black reef and André and me completely lost orientation - without compass it is quite difficult to keep it if there is not just one reef wall. After the dive we now started to classify the fish we had seen. Very common here are several varieties of parrotfish & clownfish.
Afterwards we had an excellent lunch - several salads, nachos, beefmince, ... it is pretty amazing what our two chefs are preparing here on board this little vessel.
After lunch I had to decide wether I want to go for the advanced course or not. I decided to give it a go. The only thing I somehow really was scared of was the deep dive. Everything else is just training. As I started a little bit late now I even somehow skipped all the knowledge reviews. Then in the afternoon we went for the navigation dive. Amongst other things we had to do a nice big square underwater by counting kick cycles and using the compass for the turns. As the visibility at little black reef is not so terrific it is a pretty demanding task. When this was finished we had our briefing for the night dive. Kerry, our mastersupervisor, was giving us lots of advice. E.g. in case a shark attacks us we should set up a protective circle around our diveinstructor/divemaster and kick out the weak persons on after the other;-)

--- pictures ---
(a few more again - thanks to Achim who gave me his nice underwater pictures)

the timetable

dive site no. 1

ready to go?


swimming to the site

andy - one of the instructors - back on board

he survived

thousands of bcds

have a break - amy & andré

locu - what is he doing there all the time?!

time for a little snack

site no. 2

getting ready again

alex - one of the divemasters

this time we had to go with the tender boat


steph - the cooka


just another sunset

everybody wants to get it

the masters & instructors

setting everything up for the night dive

getting ready

getting ready

just before the big strike into the water

into the water

and after that back on to the ocean pro

he's back!?


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