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Down in Down Under - Diary - 17/12/02

---16/12/02--- | table of content | ---18/12/02---

seeing a little bit of real wild life - platypus in eungella

Now today it was time again to go further south. On a little detour into the Hinterland near Mackay we wanted to spot some wild platypus and we really succeeded. After setting up our camp and having dinner we went to Broken River. The best time to watch these little animals, who you really cannot classify, is during dusk or darkness. At the river slowly more and more people assembled and at sometime we spotted the first playtypus as well. You can even follow their trace pretty easy as they have to breathe and so have to surface to breathe. Underwater they exhale and you can see the air bubbles on the surface. Still it is not easy to take pictures of them.

a bird;-)

broken river

a platypus

another platypus



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