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Down in Down Under - Diary - 27/12/02

---26/12/02--- | table of content | ---28/12/02---


After we quickly went to Australia Zoo in the morning - our original destination - we realised that this whole thing is a little bit to expensive. Many employees, who of course help you with everything and probably one of the only zoos with crocs here, but 21 bucks is a little bit to much (part of this I reckon is for the name). We decided to skip this and go straight on to Brisbane. On our way to the motorway we nearly tripped over a lookout sign. Although the weather was absolutely not suitable to climb up to a lookout we decided that it could not get worse and tried our luck. From the carpark you have to walk a certain distance, but this should not stop us. At the start there was a sign: "Check your heart frequency regularly!" - strange. When we were on the way up, we realised why - I seldom have climbed such a big difference in altitude on such a short distance. Actually they should have built stairs here. When we finally were up there, we could enjoy quite a good panorama and take a few nice pictures of the Glasshouse Mountains you could not have taken from ground-level.
Afterwards we went to Brisbane. A, I think, typical big australian city with hundreds of suburbs. Apart from the CBD you cannot find any area with big skyscrapers, just little houses. Right in the city centre it is even more complicated to find your way as there are many one-way streets, parking is bloody expensive and on the map you of course cannot see any bridges of highways you want to get on. After a few circles in the city we finally found the caravan park, where we had a powered site without knowing it (they told us the next day that most campers want to have a powered site - as you have so many electrical devices in a tent). In the evening we decided to watch "The Two Towers" in the cinema. The movie was released here in Australia not until Boxing Day and so this was the first possibility for us. Quiet nice this movie, if they would not have changed the story in a few scenes!

overview the glasshouse mountains

overview the glasshouse mountains


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