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Down in Down Under - Diary - 21/01/03

---20/01/03--- | table of content | ---23/01/03---

it is hot

Today you could really feel the reason for all the bushfires around here at the moment. It was really hot. I should be used to increased temperatures, but working at 40°C is not funny at all anymore. Particularly as we welded ferules onto fittings the whole day. Due to this it is even warmer - sauna. Meanwhile all the fires around Canberra are under control, but apart from the fires near the capital there are a lot more dangerous ones in the south between Perth and Sydney. Unfortunately they do not report much about these in international- and partly national news as well. Right here in the middle of Sydney you are quite secure. There has to be a millennium-bushfire (the term century bushfire is already overused:-) to really frighten us here in the middle of Sydney.
In the afternoon I had to go into CBD. As I was in a little hurry I asked my boss for the quickest way, as I have not used public transport in Sydney so much yet. Even if I have not moved Dino at all since last Friday. It is really not easy to find a good long-term parking spot here in Newtown. Well, and my boss just answered: "My car!" - he wanted to offer me a lift into the CBD. As I have two bosses - the company is managed by two brothers - they somehow argued who will do me the favour. I really seem to be lucky this time.

---20/01/03--- | table of content | ---23/01/03---