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Down in Down Under - Diary - 27/01/03

---26/01/03--- | table of content | ---29/01/03---

watsons bay

Today I planned to check out Watsons Bay. This is the last bay of Sydney Harbour before getting to the ocean. The northern side of this isthmus is formed by Manly and the southern side is Watsons Bay. So I went to Circular Quay to catch the ferry and get to Watsons Bay along all the little bays. Of course I just missed the ferry when arriving there and had to wait for a certain time, as the ferries of course are not going every ten minutes. Waiting is not to difficult as there are lots of street performers around Circular Quay.
Soon the next ferry arrived and I was lucky to get a seat at the bow. So we went to Watson's Bay, doing several little stops in the bays on the way there. Unfortunately I was not so lucky concerning the weather today, but I did the walk through Gap Nationalpark anyway. Now that I am used to the big city again, standing up here on the rocks and lookîng into the infinity of the ocean - how far to the next mainland? - I realize again, that I am on the other side of mother Earth. Because of the weather I was not able to take nice pictures of the wonderful view to the city - but, you cannot have everything.
Later I took the bus for my way back to the city. This way you are crossing several of the upper class suburbs with really expensive houses.


rose bay

rose bay

the gap

manly np

somewhere back there ist manly

the gap national park and houses at watsons bay

view on the city


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