picture poll
english version

© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,

Erstellt am 11.05.2002, letzte Änderung am 23.04.2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary


--- Februar --- | zum Verzeichnis | --- April ---

   --- 08/03/03 - weekend at bondi ---
   --- 12/03/03 - little family reunion ---
   --- 13/03/03 - city ---
   --- 14/03/03 - off to the blue mountains ---
   --- 15/03/03 - hiking in the blue mountains ---
   --- 16/03/03 - wentworth falls and back to sydney ---
   --- 17/03/03 - amp tower ---
   --- 19/03/03 - housewarming party at beach road ---
   --- 28/03/03 - last day @ billabong ---
   --- 29/03/03 - good bye billabong, hello country ---
   --- 30/03/03 - melbourne ---
   --- 31/03/03 - exploring other parts of melbourne ---

--- Februar --- | zum Verzeichnis | --- April ---