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Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary - 16/03/03

---15/03/03--- | table of content | ---17/03/03---

wentworth falls and back to sydney

As it was still rainy and especially pretty foggy in the morning we decided to go to Wentworth Falls. Due to the weather they were torrential but could be seen just at close range.
Afterwards we went on our way back to Sydney. Arriving there my parents checked in to there hotel. Later after a nice dinner in Chinatown we went to the aquarium. This was already the second time for me. Unfortunately the seal basin was closed again because of maintenance. Anyway it was amazing to see all this again. And the big aquarium of course is better than every cinema screen.
Back at Billabong I was persuaded pretty quick to go to the pub. Dan, one of my room mates, is leaving for home tomorrow and you just cannot accept that as it is. So we all went for a last drink.

jamison lookout - what a view!

wentworth falls

still the wentworth falls

room 21 - at least a part


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