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german version

© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,

Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary


--- March --- | table of content | --- May ---

   --- 01/04/03 - great ocean road ---
   --- 02/04/03 - twelve apostel and all the other stuff ---
   --- 03/04/03 - adelaide ---
   --- 04/04/03 - aboriginal performance, chocolate and history ---
   --- 05/04/03 - on the way to nullabor ---
   --- 06/04/03 - eyre peninsula ---
   --- 07/04/03 - desert? ---
   --- 08/04/03 - last stage of nullabor ---
   --- 09/04/03 - gold country ---
   --- 10/04/03 - perth and rain ---
   --- 11/04/03 - nothing but rain ---
   --- 12/04/03 - off into the rain ---
   --- 13/04/03 - dolphins and chocolatecheesebeertasting ---
   --- 14/04/03 - caves and trees and forrest ---
   --- 15/04/03 - albany and back to perth ---
   --- 16/04/03 - perth ---
   --- 17/04/03 - and off we go ---
   --- 18/04/03 - pinnacles in nambung np ---
   --- 19/04/03 - geraldton ---
   --- 20/04/03 - goodbye australia - for a few hours ---
   --- 21/04/03 - stromatolites & shells ---
   --- 22/04/03 - wheel alignment & bananas in carnavon ---
   --- 23/04/03 - coral bay & exmouth ---
   --- 24/04/03 - holiday ---
   --- 25/04/03 - torquoise bay ---
   --- 26/04/03 - still torquoise bay ---
   --- 27/04/03 - navy pier ---
   --- 28/04/03 - into karijini ---
   --- 29/04/03 - adventure through the centre of earth ---
   --- 30/04/03 - dales gorge ---

--- March --- | table of content | --- May ---