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Down in Down Under - Diary - 03/04/03

---02/04/03--- | table of content | ---04/04/03---


After another short visit to the Blue Lake, which of course still was coloured grey, we started for our drive to Adelaide. On the way we got a first impression of endless dead straight roads. Unbelievably on the way the cloud cover cut open and we started to hope for some sunshine and warmth in Adelaide. When we were crossing Coorong National Park the landscape changed as well. There, just a few kilometers away from the coast the road is bordered by salt lakes. Just before Adelaide we went right into the hills before rolling right into the city. There we started to look for a spot to leave the van and started for a little walk into the city. At North Terrace, the "cultural" main street, we of course went straight into the museums, which strangely do not cost any admission here. However, as they close at five, we just had a quick insight.
Afterwards we went to Elke's Backpackers. I met her in Innisfail. After many years of repeated travelling she is resident meanwhile, but still has not really gained ground. She is living in Adelaide and so I wanted to take this possibility to say hello to her again. Thus arriving at her hostel she recommended a cheaper one just around the corner, where she had worked before. In the evening we met again in a pub and she gave some helpful advice for Adelaide and the way over to the west.

a big lobster


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