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© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,

Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary - 16/04/03

---15/04/03--- | table of content | ---17/04/03---


As the weather seems to be good now again and one really can believe to still be in Australia, we enjoyed our day in Perth. First of all we went to Kings Park, wherefrom you have a really nice view on to the whole city. When we were up there we crashed into an memorial service by the schools for Anzacday - a commemoration day for all the dead soldiers of both world wars. Afterwards we spent the rest of the day in the city centre.

the skyline

school's anzac memorial at kings park

the rest of perth


entrance to london court

in london court


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