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© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,

Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary - 17/04/03

---16/04/03--- | table of content | ---18/04/03---

and off we go

After a relaxed shopping morning in Perth - locu finally bought some nice cheap CDs again: "They were so cheap!" - we finally went on our way up the West Coast in the evening - real Australia. As we had to wait for our two new travel mates, we finally left later as originally planned and decided to go for the first rest area once outside of Perth. During rushhour and, as we realised a little bit later, the Easter traffic the way out of Perth took a little bit longer than expected. When we finally were out of Perth it was already dark and we had to start looking for the rest area in the dark and of course as usual without any signs. Finally we found a nice place and could start to prepare dinner. As we are well trained bush campers meanwhile, this was no problem.

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