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Down in Down Under - Diary - 27/04/03
---26/04/03--- | table of content | ---28/04/03---
navy pier
Fucking amazing ... was my first thought after the dive, but first of all to the previous history.
Up here at the Ningaloo Reef there are quite a few nice diving spots. On of them, probably the most
extraordinary, is the Navy Pier. It is still in use and due to the high licence costs the navy demands,
there is just one dive shop offering dives there. So you should either book in advance or expect to
wait some days. We kind of did the latter. When we arrived here on Wednesday, we first gathered
information. It turned out that the next possible dive at the Navy Pier would be on Sunday morning
at around 5 o´clock. So we jumped into the Landcruiser of Coral Coast Dive this morning at half four.
This early time of course had the big advantage that there we just a few other companions - in total
we were seven people. On the way to the equipment shed we nearly caused a few road kills, as there
are extremly many roos up here. After we had all the equipment ready, we went to the pier.
It is still within military area and this way it is quite strange to go through the gates.
When we arrived at the pier, we had a small briefing and at 6:40, the sun was not even really up, we
went into the water. After finally everybody was down at the bottom - of course I had problems with
ear clearing, as usual - we were welcome by two apperently still sleeping white-tips, wow.
Then we started to swim through the steel piles and little by little saw other spectacular fish,
for example a wobbegong shark, an angler-fish and an octopus. Of course there were some dangerous specimen
as well: red fire fish and sailfin catfish. Later we saw sharks again a few times. Of course, the diving
underneatch this quite narrow pier was quite demanding and I realised, that I should dive more often.
At eigth o`clock we went back and the probably most spectacular part of the day was over, for us,
everybody else of course was still asleep.
Then we had breakfast, did some shopping and finally left for Karijini Nationalpark. At our
rest area at Beasley River - which of course was dry - we saw a luxury motor home from Swiss.
It is amazing what some people do. For dinner we had our weekly healthy salad and later at the camp fire
we had yummy bananas filled with chocolate - an idea of Anna and Michaela.
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