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Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary - 02/05/03

---01/05/03--- | table of content | ---03/05/03---


Arriving in Broome we first of all dropped Anna and Michaela off at their hostel. Then we decided to spend the first night in a caravan park somewhere near the not existing city centre. I do not know why this happens repeatedly to me, but often I expect to much from these little cities. But Broome is just really small and Chinatown is not really worth the name Chinatown. In the evening, according to the tourist information, there was supposed to be a huge street party - a nice joke. Subsequently to this we went into Kimberley Club - one of the many resorts here - for a drink and afterwards into the one open nightclub in town. Actually there are two nightclubs in town, but both are owned by the same person, and naturally he does not want to have any kind of competition between them. So if one is open the other one is closed and the other way around. These clubs of course want to offer kind of metropolitan atmosphere and the prices for drinks are accordingly as well.

---01/05/03--- | table of content | ---03/05/03---