picture poll
german version

© 2002-2004 Matthias Weiland,

Build on 11/05/2002, last update on 23/04/2023.

Down in Down Under - Diary

Here I want to publish pictures and texts throughout my journey.

Some of the texts are still not yet translated. It's hard to keep on.

Sometimes the pictures are on seperate pages, you have to look for links at the end of the texts. (So far these pages are: 29/04/03 - adventure through the centre of earth - 23/12/02 - fraser island - III - 22/12/02 - fraser island - II - 21/12/02 - fraser island - I - 15/12/02 - blue pearl bay/hamilton island - 14/12/02 - little black reef, fej's bommie and hamilton island - 13/12/02 - diving with ocean pro - little black reef - 04/10/02 - atherton tablelands - 08/09/02 - mt. bartle frere - 18/08/02 - skyrail, kuranda - 10/08/02 - olympic park, sydney - 09/08/02 - botanical gardens, sydney - 04/08/02 - aquarium, sydney)

---last entry: 02/08/03---



